Veranstaltungskalender der PEBA


Working together successfully under complex circumstances – how psychological safety can help

Thursday, 27 March 2025, 9:00-13:00
Online via MS Teams

In a working world that is increasingly characterized by uncertainty, complexity and constant change, the ability to work together successfully in a team is becoming ever more important. A key prerequisite for this is psychological safety. It creates an environment in which every individual feels safe to share their ideas, concerns and mistakes without fear of negative consequences. In this workshop, we want to develop practical methods and implementations using cases from everyday life. The aim is to learn how psychological safety can contribute to effective collaboration in global, agile and dynamic working environments.

Costs/ Payment
Gesa Krämer
Chancengleichheits- und Diversitätsmanagement (CDM)
Personalentwicklung und Berufliche Ausbildung (PEBA)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Mail: franziska nickolaus2 does-not-exist.kit edu
Number of participants
Online registration
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