The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is actively committed to the compatibility of career, studies and family. As one of the largest employers in the region, we create family-friendly working and study conditions - for sustainable support in all phases of life. On this page you will find a comprehensive overview of our services.

Family planning and parental leave
Family planning is an important milestone in many people's lives. We accompany you on this path and offer comprehensive support on all issues relating to becoming a parent as part of our parental leave guidance program. The pregnancy compensation pool can be used to apply for funds to cover staff absences.

Childcare and emergency care
KIT provides childcare places for children aged three months to school age in three company childcare centers - KinderUniversum, nanos! and Schloss-Geister. In the event of childcare shortages, we offer various emergency childcare services, including FlexiKids at KinderUniversum, the parent-child office at Campus North and the Kids-Box.

Workshops and courses
Our workshops and courses provide employees with the best possible support in various phases of life.

Against the backdrop of demographic change, the issue of reconciling work and caring for relatives in need of care is becoming increasingly important. As an employer, we see it as our duty to provide our employees with the best possible support in this area. Our trained Care-Guides at PEBA-Familienbetreuung will provide you with confidential advice on this.

In cooperation with the German Pension Insurance, PEBA offers consultation days at KIT, which you can use for your personal retirement matters. There are also regular information events on this topic.

Exchange and networking are essential. That is why we offer the MS Teams channel "Families at KIT" for our employees and students.

Abstraktes Icon zum Thema Familiengründung
Starting a family
Abstraktes Icon zum Thema Kinder- und Notfallbetreuung
Child and emergency care
Abstraktes Icon zum Thema Beruf und Pflege
Job and care
Piktogramm von zwei Personen mit Herz und Gehstöcken.
Abstrakte Umarmung mit bunten Kreisen und Linien.
Family+ Brochure

Do you have any questions?

Contact us:

Head of the department