Systematic Human Resource Selection
We support the management levels as method experts in the personnel selection procedures and their decision-making. The principles of personnel selection form the overarching framework for personnel selection at KIT.
We design selection procedures that, due to their structure and systematic approach, ensure the greatest possible comparability, transparency, and objectivity vis-à-vis the applicants and provide a sound basis for the selection decision. We ensure that the selection process is clear and binding for all parties involved, and that it is based on requirements. In this way, we also ensure the framework conditions for an equal-opportunity selection process for women and men. Each of our selection procedures is individual and thus tailored to the position:
- We develop the requirements profile with you on the basis of the KIT generic competence model.
- We design the procedure and the exercises and coordinate them closely with you.
- We design the procedure-specific training of the observers in addition to the general online observation training.
- We lead and moderate the selection process
- We compile the results of the procedure in a clear presentation and advise you in your decision-making process.
- We offer applicants subsequent feedback (only for assessment centers)
Our methods
The structured, competence-based interview
The structured, competency-based interview systematically provides the decision-makers in the personnel selection process with a picture of the applicant's personality and qualifications. It is created individually and on the basis of the success-critical competencies required for the respective position and is conducted in a structured or (partially) standardized form. Both the professional aptitude and the necessary interdisciplinary competencies (e.g. personal appearance and effect, communication skills, decision-making behaviour, negotiating skills, etc.) are assessed.
Assessment Center
Certain constellations in the selection of personnel for a management position make it necessary to obtain a very precise assessment of the interdisciplinary qualification profile. Assessment centres (AC) are used to gain well-founded insights into the more or less pronounced behaviour of applicants in job-related situations. This behaviour is closely examined in a combination of different observation situations (e.g. presentation, simulation of a typical job situation, action-oriented case studies). Depending on the conception and the number of invited applicants, an AC usually lasts at least one day. If carried out carefully, the AC has a high degree of predictive reliability and is a reliable instrument for assessing behaviour-oriented competencies, as it runs according to precisely defined rules and all assessments can be traced back to concrete, recorded behavioural observations and can therefore be very well understood.
Another advantage of the procedure is that it also very clearly conveys to applicants the requirements of the position for which they have applied.
Interested? Then get in touch with us. We will be happy to support your personnel selection process.