Understanding diversity at KIT
At KIT, we are aware of the diversity of our employees and students and actively promote it - because it is precisely this diversity that is an important basis for scientific progress and excellence. Science in particular thrives on diverse approaches, perspectives and expertise in order to meet the global challenges of our time, such as the energy crisis, climate change or the question of what the mobility of the future will look like. The opportunity for all employees to fully exploit their potential, to work with satisfaction at KIT and to participate in the development of KIT is at the heart of the diversity-oriented culture at KIT. We therefore actively promote equal opportunities and diversity, support the individual life plans and needs of our employees, create a working environment with fair and transparent framework conditions and develop our employees into competent top performers.

KIT is a member of the Diversity Charter
KIT is a 2022 member of the Diversity Charter initiative, an association that promotes diversity, tolerance and respect in the workplace. It was launched in 2006 and is now one of the most important initiatives in this area. By signing the Diversity Charter, we have made a public commitment to creating a working environment in which everyone is valued and respected, regardless of gender, age, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or disability. Since 2014, KIT has participated in the annual nationwide Diversity Day introduced by the initiative with workshops, lectures and other events.