Human Resource Development in Leadership
Central management aspects are mapped along the human resource process (more info... ). An important aspect of this process is the development and promotion of the company's own employees. Managers have a key role to play here.
For this purpose, knowledge of the KIT competence model with its different application possibilities is a basic prerequisite. Among other things, the competence model helps to recognize the development fields of the employees, to systematically report them back and to derive measures for the employees from them.
The event "Manager as Human Resource Developer" deals with the recognition, description, and promotion of employees' potential on the basis of the KIT Competence Model.
Concrete contents
- Human resource development as a management task
- The KIT competence model in general and in relation to the specialist groups in the own team
- Job assignment and function diagram
- Definitions of competence fields and behavioral anchors derived from them
- Observation and evaluation competence, questioning technique, perception biases
- Systematic feedback on competencies in the annual appraisal for employees
- Development of measures from the difference between requirement profile and existing competencies
- Identification of high potentials
Leitung Führungskräfte und Top-Management
(0721) 608-45190 oder 0173 2068927
ernst aumueller ∂does-not-exist.kit edu