Promotion of Individual Qualification Measure
Qualified and motivated employees are a prerequisite for an organization to remain competitive and efficient in the face of rapid technological and social change. Lifelong learning and a high level of qualification are essential for this and make the qualification of employees an important aspect for KIT. The qualification needs of employees are to be determined in the annual employee appraisal. The promotion of individual qualification measures is regulated transparently and uniformly at KIT. Nevertheless, each promotion is subject to individual requirements and is always based on the individual case.
The promotion of individual qualification measures relates to further training measures with a vocational qualification. These include, for example:
IHK further training (i.e. "Industriekauffrau/-mann, Geprüfte/r Personalfachfrau/-mann IHK") |
Training as a technician or master craftsman (i.e. "Industriemechaniker/in, Geprüfte/r Industriemeister/in Metall") |
Bachelor's degree / Master (as a first or second degree) |
Specialist additional qualification |
Other qualification measures, such as participation in seminars/workshops etc., are evaluated and approved by the line manager with regard to their official necessity.
In principle, a distinction is made between exclusively business interests, predominantly business interests and business and private interests for the financial support of training measures. The extent to which an official interest exists must be examined in each individual case. Up to 90% of the costs can be reimbursed in the case of predominantly business interests. In the case of business and private interest, a pro rata reimbursement of 50% is possible. In any case, the assumption of costs by KIT must be discussed with Human Resources Development and Vocational Training in advance of the measure and agreed according to the circumstances of the individual case.
If the costs are covered, a training agreement is concluded with the employee. The training agreement regulates the type and duration of the training, the scope of funding and the employee's own contribution (financial and/or time-related). Furthermore, the qualification agreement includes the conditions under which the costs assumed must be reimbursed. In addition, a reduction in the repayment obligation is provided for after the measure has been completed and the employee has remained loyal to the company.
Please note that funding can only be approved before the start of the training measure and must be applied for in writing to the Human Resources Development and Vocational Training.
Application for Financial Support for an Individual Qualification Measure (download, exclusively via intranet)