„Start in Teaching“ – The Tutor Program at KIT

Registration for SoSe 2025 is possible from March 1st via our event calendar.




The program prepares student tutors in bachelor's and/or master's degree courses for the "Start in Teaching" and offers the opportunity to build up and specifically develop teaching skills during the semester. The participants learn to plan and structure their tutorials in a target-oriented manner, to prepare complex specialist content in a way that promotes learning and to design tutorials in an activating manner. They connect with tutors from other departments and reflect on their personal learning and development processes.

Target Group

The program is aimed at all student tutors of all bachelor's and/or master's programs at KIT who are leading a tutorial in the current semester. The prerequisite for participation is the simultaneous conduction of a tutorial, which creates a close connection between further training and teaching experience. All of which is accompanied by the responsible persons of the human resources development throughout the semester.

Program Overview

Start in Teaching” covers the period of one semester and consists of various modules which are mainly offered digitally.


The basics workshop at the beginning of the semester is the starting point of the program. Participants work on topics that support them in the preparation and design of their tutorials, e.g. learning process, motivation, didactic methods, structure and planning of tutorials, etc.

In-depth workshops

The tutors choose two more workshops from the in-depth area that suit their tutorial format and their tasks as a tutor. Here, for example, the presentation of subject content, the conducting of colloquia, the support of project teams or difficult teaching and learning situations are explored. Alternatively, depending on the tutorial format, one of the two workshops in the in-depth area can be specified by the tutorial coordinator. It is possible to design individually tailored workshops in cooperation with the respective institutes if the specific challenges of the tutors cannot be covered by the existing offer. The basic requirement is a sufficient group size and lead time. Feel free to contact us.



To promote the development of teaching skills, the tutors document and reflect on their teaching experience throughout the semester in an accompanying reflection portfolio (ILIAS). The final step is a short reflection paper in which the tutors reflect on their tutoring activities and their own learning process based on guiding questions.

Certificate and ECTS

The program for tutors concludes with a certificate that can be attached to application documents, for example. Depending on the course and examination regulations, it is also possible to acquire 2 ECTS points in the area of key qualifications.

Information and Registration

Participation in the program is free of charge for all student tutors in bachelor's and/or master's courses at KIT. Participation is achieved by registering for one of the basic workshops. A separate application is not necessary. Responsible trainers and future supervisors from all departments are welcome to get information about the program from the contacts in PEBA. We will discuss with you how we can make the start of the apprenticeship for your tutors’ goal-oriented and tailor-made. We are available to all KIT tutors at any time for questions about the program, participation, and current dates. The best thing to do is to send us an email to tp∂peba.kit.edu – we look forward to your participation. The current dates are published in the events calendar. Please note that all workshops are expected to take place online.



Start in die Lehre - "Grundlagen"

Thursday, 24 April 2025, 9:00-12:30
Online (MS Teams / Zoom)

Der Grundlagenworkshop zu Beginn des Semesters bildet den Ausgangspunkt des Tutorinnen- und Tutorenprogramms „Start in die Lehre“. Hier werden Themen bearbeitet, die Sie in der Gestaltung Ihres Tutoriums unterstützen z.B. wie plane ich mein Tutorium? Welche Rolle nehme ich als Tutor oder Tutorin ein?

Der Workshop ist praxisorientiert und beinhaltet Sequenzen für den persönlichen Austausch. Anschließend an den Workshop sind zur tieferen Auseinandersetzung weitere Themenfelder auf ILIAS zu bearbeiten.


Weitere Informationen zum Tutorinnen- und Tutorenprogramm erhalten Sie ca. eine Woche vor Beginn des Grundlagenworkshops sowie unter https://www.peba.kit.edu/387.php.

Bei Rückfragen stehen wir gerne zur Verfügung: tp∂peba kit edu.




Tutorenprogramm 'Start in die Lehre'
Personalentwicklung und Berufliche Ausbildung (PEBA)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Vincenz-Prießnitz-Straße 1
76131 Karlsruhe
Mail: tutorenprogramm does-not-exist.peba kit edu
Number of participants
Online registration
Für diese Veranstaltung ist eine Anmeldung erforderlich.
Sie können sich hier online anmelden.
Online Registration

Contact Persons

Doris Segebarth
Doris Segebarth
Project coordination “Digital Didactics”, “Start in Teaching” - the tutoring program at KIT

+49 721 608-45692doris segebarth does-not-exist.kit edu07.07 Campus Süd

Anna-Luisa Morvay
Tutoring program "Start in Teaching"

+49 721 608-4540607.07 Campus Süd