Veranstaltungskalender PEBA


Questions that Matter - Gender and Diversity in Research

Dienstag, 01. April 2025, 13:00-16:00
Campus Süd, PEBA

This training course examines discourses on gender, gender equality, diversity, and
inclusion in relation to institutions of higher education in Germany. What does it mean to
integrate aspects of sex, gender, and diversity into our research projects? How can we
contribute to creating gender- and diversity-sensitive research environments?
In this interactive 3-hour workshop, we will explore the benefits of gendered innovations
with a focus on the STEM subjects, raise awareness of our own implicit biases and their
(harmful) effects, and reflect on the relevance of sex, gender, and diversity in third party
funding (e.g. DFG).
If you want to join this training course, you are very welcome to contribute with your
curiosity, willingness to share experiences with your peers, and readiness for change in

Kosten/ Zahlungsweise
Jennifer J* Moos
Chancengleichheits- und Diversitätsmanagement (CDM)
Personalentwicklung und Berufliche Ausbildung (PEBA)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
E-Mail: franziska nickolaus2 does-not-exist.kit edu
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