Start in Teaching - Basic Module
This workshop is the starting point of the tutoring program ‘Start in Teaching’. During the workshop, we will adress topics that support you in designing your own tutorial lessons. You will learn how to plan your tutorial, how to start your first lesson and what's special about your position as a tutor at KIT.
The workshop is practice-oriented and will include peer-to-peer discussions. After the workshop, additional topics are covered on ILIAS for further exploration and preparation of your tutorial.
For further information about the program please visit https://www.peba.kit.edu/387.php. One week prior to the workshop, you will also receive relevant information via e-mail.
If there are any questions, feel free to get in touch: tp∂peba kit edu.
Tutorenprogramm 'Start in die Lehre'
Personalentwicklung und Berufliche Ausbildung (PEBA)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Vincenz-Prießnitz-Straße 1
76131 Karlsruhe
E-Mail: tutorenprogramm ∂does-not-exist.peba kit edu
For this event, registration is required.
You can register online here.
Please remember to provide your full name.